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Cari Materi Disini

Kamis, 16 Juli 2020

Expression of Suggestion and offering

KD 3.1 menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait saran dan tawaran, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan should, can)

Pertemuan 1

Suggestion and Offering

a.   Fungsi sosial

- untuk meminta dan member saran dan tawaran kepada seseorang and memberikan respon serta menolaknya.

- untuk menolong sesorang yang membutuhkan saran dengan memberikan ide/ pendapat kita.

b.   Struktur teks isian dapat mencakup :

- Formula yang digunakan adalah S+ Modal ( should, ought to, could, etc) + V + Compliment

- Formula lain adalah      S+ Suggest + V+ Compliment

- Informal WH question : What about going to the cinema tonight?

                                         How about playing card?

c.   Unsur kebahasaan

-  Kata kerja terkait dengan pemberian saran atau tawaran.

-  Preposition + V ing

-  Ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi

-  Rujukan kata


Percakapan untuk kegiatan pertama




Exercise 1: Answer the  questions based on the following dialogue.


Dialog 1

Mike                : Do you think we should look at these brochures

Susan              : That’s a good idea.

Mike                :  How about ‘Lombok’ instead of ‘Bali’? It looks more interesting.

Susan              : Yes, but we are  lack information about ‘Lombok’.

Mike                : You’re right. We don’t have enough time to look for it. Well, Do you have   

                           any  suggestion?

Susan              : Why don,t  choose Padang? Let’s try that.

Mike                : All right. What pictures do you think we should insert in our presentation?

Susan              : Let’s take some photos of a few well-known places there.

Mike                            : That’s good idea I hope our presentation will be more interesting by

                          inserting   them.

Susan              : O.K. Let’s get to work.


Questions :

1.  What is the dialogue about?

2.  What is the relation between two speakers?

3.  Which expressions show suggestions?

4.  Does Mike accept the suggestion from Susan?

5.  Where is the dialogue happened?

 Exercise 2 : Complete the following dialogue while listening.


Dialog 2

Student           : Excuse me. My teacher gave me an assignment to write a book report.

  1 _________________ recommendation what    book I should read?                

Librarian          : 2 ___________. Did your teacher set a specific book?

Student            : Yes. A contemporary novel, actually.

Librarian          : Well, 3 _________ you read Life of Pi. The book is great. It’s about the life of    

                          Pi  and his adventure. I think you should read the book.

Student            : That’s great. Thank you . Can I borrow the book now?

Librarian          : You can borrow it for a week.

Student            : Thank you, but I think I need it for a longer period.4._____________  making  

                          a  copy of it?

Librarian          : Oh, You may not.No part of the book may be copied                 

Student            : OK. 5._____________ extend the due date by two weeks?                     

      Librarian          : No problem. Here you are.




Dialogue 1

Mawar : Are you alright, Figo?

Figo     : Yes, I’m, thanks.

Mawar   : But I don’t think you are O.K. I’d say that you lose your spirit and cheerfulness.

Figo     : Thanks for your concern. I only need to relax this time.

Mawar : You can’t lie to me. I’ve known you for a long time, so I know your character. You’d better tell  

               me About your problem. I might now the solutions.

Figo     : Mawar, don’t push me. I’m fine.

Mawar : Sorry. I don’t want you to be sad.

Figo     : I’m fine.

Mawar : Well, what if we play a guessing game? In my experience, it can boost our energy.

Figo     : If it’s only two of us, it’s not exciting.

Mawar :O.K, I’ll leave you alone. Bye!

Figo     : See you!


1.   What is the dialogue about?

2.   What are the relation between two speakers?

3.   Where does the dialogue take place?

4.   Write the expression of Suggestion and Offer!

5.   Did the second speaker accept the first speaker offer?


Dialogue 2

Andra  : What are you 1_________________?

Riana   : I am looking for a robotic course.

Andra  : Do you want to attend it?

Riana   : Yes, I 2___.

Andra  : let me help you browse.

Riana   : Thanks.

Andra  : Well, look this one, Alfa Robotic Course.

Riana   :No, it is quite far from my house.

Andra  : Ah, you are right. 3______________ this one?

Riana   : Ah, that’s great, I’ll call it.

Andra  : I 4____________ you go there so you can get detailed information.

Riana   : you are right.

Andra  : Let me accompany you there.

Riana   :Thank you. How about tomorrow after school?

Andra  : Alright. I will be 5___________for you in front of my class.

Others example of Suggestion’s expression :

1.    Why don’t you read this story

2.    Why not read this story

3.    What about going to yhe library

4.    I think you should join the story telling contest

5.    If I were you, I would buy this novel



1.     Would you mind lendimg me the book, please?

2.     Could you pass me that ovel, please?


Program Tindak Lanjut

1.  Remedial

Peserta didik yang belum mencapai KKM (75) diberi tugas untuk membaca beberapa teks SARAN DAN TAWARAN dan mengevaluasi kemajuan kompetensi peserta didik dalam menangkap makna dan atau menyusun tentang Saran dan Tawaran.


2.  Pengayaan

Bagi peserta didik mempunyai nilai di atas 75 diberi pengayaan berupa tugas mandiri untuk membaca dan atau menuliskan beberapa ekspresi tentang Saran dan Tawaran.. Kemudian mempublikasi dengan ditempel di mading.



Asking for suggestions:

  • Do you think I ought to call the police?
  • What do you think I should buy him for his birthday?
  • Do you have any ideas about how I can sell my car?
  • Should I try to talk with him about this matter again?
  • If you were me, what would you tell her?
  • If you were in my situation, would you forgive him?
  • What do you advise I pack for the trip?
  • Do you have any advice for me?
  • Can you give me some advice about something?
  • How do you suggest I fix this broken window?
  • Are you suggesting I give up jogging?
  • What do you recommend I take for a bad headache?
  • Do you have any recommendations about a good hotel in Paris?
  • Can you recommend a suitable wine for dinner?


Offering suggestions:

·         I think you’d better start looking for a new job.

·         If I were you, I’d stop writing her.

·         It would probably be a good idea to send this by Express mail.

·         Why don’t you try calling her tonight?

·         How about taking a bus instead of driving?

·         Try ignoring her for a while.

·         I’d say that you’d better quit the team now.

·         I advise you to talk with your lawyer.

·         My advice is to be careful in doing business with them.

·         I suggest that we go out for dinner tonight.

·         Let me suggest that we buy a new copier.

·         I recommend that you cancel your appoinment.

·         My recommendation is that we begin the sales program in May.

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